• Whether it's information about transcripts, lockers, attendance, or public relations, the registrar skillfully handles and protects student information.  

    Enroll/Withdraw From ZBE

    If you are enrolling at ZBE, please see the registrar about the enrollment requirements for the district.  If you are withdrawing or transferring out of District 126 to another high school, the registrar can help with the appropriate forms.

    Medical Information

    If your student has a specific medical condition, please inform the registrar.  This includes, but is not limited to, the following situations:
    • Need for temporary Physical Education waiver 
    • Allergies (including use of an epi-pen)
    • Diabetes
    If, for any reason, the school needs to call emergency services, this medical information may be released to the paramedics for proper treatment.


    If your information such as address, phone number, or email changes, please contact the registrar so that the Skyward system may be updated in a timely fashion. If you have a request for records for your student, please see the registrar for the appropriate forms that must be completed.

    Transcript Requests

    If you need a transcript sent to specific locations (such as an employer, college registrar, or another school), please complete the Transcript Request Form found in the Main Office or access the form online.  Students can also request to send an electronic transcript to any institution by creating a free account at www.Parchment.com.
Ms. McKenzie
  • Ms. Yolanda McKenzie
    Registrar, Attendance, Operations Secretary, Health Aide - Zion-Benton East
    (847) 731-9804