About Bilingual Education

  • Bilingual Education courses are for students who are learning English as a second or other language.  Bilingual Education courses are offered in English, mathematics, science, and social science. Mainstream content classes provide instruction and assistance in English language acquisition. Students with limited English proficiency are placed in sheltered content classes taught by a licensed teacher in the course’s content area who is assisted by a bilingual instructional aide.  Mainstream and sheltered content classes fulfill graduation requirements in our academic departments.

    The goals of the Bilingual Education Program are to help students acquire social and academic English language proficiency in all four language domains (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) while gaining the academic skills needed for success in school and the workplace. Registration in Bilingual Education classes is restricted to students identified as English Language Learners through language proficiency testing and teacher recommendation.

    Click here to be taken to the ZBTHS Course Guide, which contains details about our Bilingual Education courses.


  • Mr. Jacob Carlson
    Executive Director for Student Services
    (847) 731-9340

    Mr. Michael Blades
    Department Head
    (847) 731-9370  

    Ms. Joy Mobile
    Bilingual Coordinator
    (847) 731-9533